Monday 13 June 2011


Thomas Edison once said that ‘if we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves’.

So what is it that keeps us most of the times if not always from being the best that we should be? Every sane human being at one point of his/her life will be confronted by this question-why cant my career, business, relationship, family, studies… be the envy of everyone? In an attempt to answer this question I have pondered and thought critically and come to my own conclusion that the only single reason we find ourselves in this situation is that we SETTLE.

We settle for what people often tell us, what society expects, what stereotypes say. In the end what we would have been never becomes. Of course this apparent settling could be driven by among other reasons fear and living within our comfort zones, habits, wrong company and associations, lack of goals among others.

So with all these bombardments what must we do to remain focused and probably get our lives in order? I must admit that the way I see it, no one needs to be extraordinary. Infact by doing small little things and doing them consistently and correctly is the only way out of this quagmire.

Think with me, as we explore and probably we could:
·        Cultivate self belief
·        Stretch our ambitions beyond what we can comfortably do
·        Start small, slow and now-do not procrastinate what can be done now.
·        Switch to a positive mood-you will be surprised at the energy from positivity. My Sales friend calls it positive mental attitude (PMA).
·        Tell and reaffirm to ourselves that we deserve the best
·        Get inspired from those who have been there-fortunately there are many who have been before us and travelled the route-just follow their map.

Lastly remember that there is much more to be done tomorrow and thereafter, anticipate it and don’t bother about yesterday since it is gone.

Hope this puts us all on a pedestal to take on opportunities that come our way, and realize them to help us live better lives.

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