Monday 13 June 2011

Overview of the Kenya's business environment

Kenya and generally the African continent remains vastly unexploited besides being a huge reservoir of all economic resources. This is partly due to previous disadvantages in wealth distribution in the world, trade in balance, cold war, and effects of colonialism, among others.

However this is really changing fast and the world’s attention is focusing more on Africa’s potential to drive the world economy moving into the future. Socio-economic developments, improvements in governance and democracy and penetration in education accessibility are some of the key factors driving this renewed vigor…, As they say the future is here!!

There are various economic & political blocs in Africa which offer a huge market and investment opportunity. These blocs include SADDC, ECOWAS, EAC, COMESA and IGADD. The major aim of these blocs is to widen and deepen the political, economic and social co-operation among partner states. This has resulted in establishing custom unions, common markets with the removal of all trade tariffs, and plans for a monetary union, with the ultimate aim of establishing a Political Federation of the African states.

The continued development of these blocs will increase the opportunities for Investors to trade in Africa and more importantly, will support the development of international trade and investment with other global regions.

So, what are these steaming hot opportunities? My big bet is on the following major sectors in Africa:
·        Education
·        Energy
·        Healthcare
·        ICT and
·        Agriculture

I will be sharing various opportunities in these broad sectors in my future blogs. Keep reading and make your wise investment decision(s).

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